Chen, S., Honda, T., Narazaki, K., Chen, T., Kishimoto, H., Haeuchi, Y., and Kumagai,S. :Physical frailty is associated with longitudinal decline in global cognitive function in the non-demented elderly. J Nutr Health Aging, 22:82-88,2018.
Chen, T., Kishimoto, H., Honda, T., Hata, J., Kiyohara, Y., Ninomiya, T., and Kumagai, S.: Patterns and levels of tri-axial accelerometer-measured sedentary behavior and physical activity in a general Japanese population: the Hisayama Study. J Epidemiol (in press)
Belaya, I., Suwa, M., Chen, T., Giniatullin, R., Kanninen, KM., Atalay, M., and Kumagai, S.:Long-Term Exercise Protects against Cellular Stresses in Aged Mice. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, vol. 2018, Article ID 2894247, 10 pages, 2018. doi:10.1155/2018/2894247
Nadzirah, A.B., Honda, T., Chen, S., Supartini, A., O. Hirano, Y.O., Ichimiya, A., Kumagai,S.:A wish to die among Japanese university freshmen: its association with the sense of coherence and relationship with parents and close friends. Japn J Health Prom. 19: 157-164 ,2017.
Darren M. Lipnicki, John D. Crawford,Rajib Dutta,Anbupalam Thalamuthu,Nicole A. Kochan,Gavin Andrews,M. Fernanda Lima-Costa,Erico Castro-Costa,Carol Brayne,Fiona E. Matthews,Blossom C.M. Stephan,Richard B. Lipton,Mindy J. Katz,Karen Ritchie,Jacqueline Scali,Marie-Laure Ancelin,Nikolaos Scarmeas,Mary Yannakoulia,Efthimios Dardiotis,Linda C.W. Lam,Candy H.Y. Wong,Ada W.T. Fung,Antonio Guaita,Roberta Vaccaro,Annalisa Davin,Ki Woong Kim,Ji Won Han,Tae Hui Kim,Kaarin J. Anstey,Nicolas Cherbuin,Peter Butterworth,Marcia Scazufca, Shuzo Kumagai,Chen Sanmei,Kenji Narazaki,Tze Pin Ng,Qi Gao,Simone Reppermund,Henry Brodaty,Antonio Lobo,Raul Lopez-Anton,Javier Santabarbara、Perminder S. Sachdev for Cohort Studies of Memory in an International Consortium (COSMIC):Age-related cognitive decline and associations with sex, education and apolipoprotein E genotype across ethno-cultural groups and geographic regions: a collaborative cohort study. PLoS Med, 14(3): e1002261.doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1002261 21. March 2017.
Nadzirah, A.B., Chen, S., Chen, T., and Kumagai, S. Japanese university students’ perceived overweight and actual weight: Relationship with a wish to die. Malaysian Journal of Psychology 31,1-8,2017.
Narazaki, K.., Nofuji, Y., and Kumagai, S.:Association of middle- to late-life physical performance with incident Alzheimer's disease: recent findings and potential mechanisms. J Phys Fit Sports Med, 6:191-200, 2017
Chen, T., Narazaki, K., Haeuchi, Y., Chen, S., Honda, T., and Kumagai. S.:Associations of sedentary time and breaks in sedentary time with disability in instrumental activities of daily living in community-dwelling older adults. J Physical Activity Health,13:303-309,2016.
Nadzirah.A,B, N., Hong, GC., Oon, NG., and Kumagai,S.: Islamic religiosity, depression and anxiety among Muslim cancer patients. IAFOR J Psychol Behavioral Sci., 1:53-64, 2015
Kishimoto,H., Ohara,T., Hata, J., Ninomiya, T., Yoshida, D., Mukai, N., Nagata,M., Ikeda, F., Fukuhara, M., Kumagai,S., Kanba, S., Kitazono, T., and Yutaka Kiyohara, Y.:The long-term association between physical activity and risk of dementia in the community: the Hisayama Study.Eur. J. Epidemiol., DOI 10.1007/s10654-016-0125-y
Supartini, A., Honda, T., Chen, S., Haeuchi, Y., Basri, NA, Ichimiya, A., and Kumagai, S.:The impact of sleep timing, sleep duration, and sleep quality on depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation amongst Japanese freshmen: The EQUSITE study. Sleep Disorders,2016 Article ID 8737654, 10 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/8737654.
Chen, S., Honda, T., Narazaki, K., Chen, T., Nofuji, Y., and Kumagai, S.:Global cognitive performance and frailty in non-demented community-dwelling older adults: findings from the Sasaguri Genkimon Study. Great Gerentol Int,16:729-736,2016
長野真弓,森山善彦,畑山知子,野藤 悠,西内久人,熊谷秋三:地域在住高齢者における縦断的調査への不参加および途中脱落に関連する心身機能と背景因子の探索.体力科学,65:315-326,2016.
Chen, T., Narazaki, K., Haeuchi, Y., Chen, S., Honda, T., and Kumagai. S.:Associations of sedentary time and breaks in sedentary time with disability in instrumental activities of daily living in community-dwelling older adults. J Physical Activity Health,13:303-309,2016.
Chen T, Narazak K, Honda T, Chen S, Haeuchi Y, Nofuji Y, Matsuo E, Kumagai S: Tri-axial accelerometer-determined daily physical activity and sedentary behavior of suburban community-dwelling older Japanese adults. J. Sports Sci. Med, 14:507-514,2015
福盛英明, 松下智子, 一宮 厚, 梶谷康介, 熊谷秋三, 丸山 徹, 入江正洋, 永野 純, 眞崎義憲, 山本紀子, 馬場園明, 峰松 修:大学生のQuality of College Student Lifeを測定する「学生生活チェックカタログ45」の開発と信頼性・妥当性の検討. 健康支援,17: 31- 40,2015.
Chen T, Narazaki K, Honda T, Chen S, Haeuchi Y, Nofuji Y, Matsuo E, Kumagai S Tri-Axial Accelerometer-Determined Daily Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior of Suburban Community-Dwelling Older Japanese Adults Jouranl of Sports Science and Medicine (2015) 14:507-514.
Honda T, Chen S, Kishimoto H, Narazaki K, Kumagai S. Identifying associations between sedentary time and cardio-metabolic risk factors in working adults using objective and subjective measures : a cross- sectional analysis BMC Public Health (2014) 14:1307.
Narazaki K, Matsuo E, Honda T, Nofuji Y, Yonemoto K, Kumagai S Physical fitness mesasures as potential markers of low cognitive function in Japanese community-dwelling older adults without apparent cognitive problems Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (2014) 13: 590-596.
齊藤貴文,崎田正博,熊谷秋三:運動器慢性疼痛の身体活動疫学.健康科学, 39: 19-40 , 2017.
内藤紘一,熊谷秋三:高齢心疾患患者における運動機能と身体的フレイル評価の意義. 健康科学, 39:7-18 ,2017.
Nadizrahi, A.B., and Kumagai,S.: A review of suicidal ideation and behavior among university students: protective and risk factors associated with the prevention of suicide. J Health Sci., Kyushu University, 39: 49- 56,2017.
Supartini, A., and Kumagai,S.: A Study on depressive symptoms and its relationship with sleep and physical activity. J Health Sci., Kyushu University, 39:57- 64,2017.
熊谷秋三, 大曲めぐみ, 高柳茂美, 林 直亨,松下智子, 福盛英明, 眞崎義憲, 一宮 厚:学生の学修不良者および希死念慮保有者のメンタルヘルスとその関連要因:EQUSITE Study. 健康科学,(2016)38:1-10.
熊谷秋三, 陳 三妹:ミニレビュー:認知機能改善に及ぼす運動および身体活動の影響.認知神経科学, 17: ,2016.(印刷中)
Sanmei Chen, Kenji Narazaki, Yuka Haeuchi, Takanori Honda, Tao Chen, Hiro Kishimoto , Shuzo Kumagai:Physical frailty phenotype and risk of functional disability in community-dwelling older adults: a prospective study.第19回日本健康支援学会年次学術集大会、2018年3月9日-10日、京都市
崎田正博,村田 伸,野中紘士,栗山みちる,小山梨穂,斉藤彩夏,中田明里, 村上慎一郎, 齊藤貴文, 磯部 航, 熊谷秋三:ラット高齢期低強度運動による末梢神経の修復・再生に対する促進効果~血清と末梢神経組織の脳由来神経栄養因子(BDNF)・BDNF受容体(NTRK2)発現量解析に着目して~.第19回日本健康支援学会年次学術集大会、2018年3月9日-10日、京都市
八木香里, 陳 涛, 陳 三妹, 諏訪雅貴, 井本貴之, 木田 明, 小澤謙二. 岩瀬三紀, 横地 隆, 岸本裕歩, 熊谷秋三:男性勤労者の全身持久力と身体活動量の組み合わせと内臓脂肪型肥満との関連~TMCPAF スタディ*~ *Toyota Motor Corporation Physical Activity and Fitness Study. 第19回日本健康支援学会年次学術集大会、2018年3月9日-10日、京都市
Kaori Yagi, Tao Chen, Sanmei Chen, Masataka Suwa, Takayuki Imoto, Akira Kida, Mitsunori Iwase, Takashi Yokochi, Shuzo Kumaga:Associations of objectively-measured physical activity, sedentary behavior and cardiorespiratory fitness with metabolic syndrome in Japanese male workers: TMCPF stud. 24th European Congress on Obesity, Porto, Portugal,17-20 May,2017.
池永千寿子,八木香里, 陳三妹,本田貴紀,熊谷秋三:勤労者におけるSedentary boutの関連因子に関する研究.第20回日本運動疫学会学術総会,神戸市,2017年6月17-18日
Tao Chen, Yuka Haeuchi, Takanori Honda, Sanmei Chen, Kenji Narazaki, Sho Nagayoshi, Shuzo Kumagai, :Objective Physical Activity, Sedentary Time and Incident Disability in Older Adults. The 21 IAGGWorld Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics. July 23-27, 2017 ? San Francisco, California.
本田貴紀、岸本裕歩、向井直子、秦 淳、吉田大悟、平川洋一郎、柴田舞欧、小原知之、熊谷秋三、二宮利治:地域在住非糖尿病者における座位時間とインスリン抵抗性の関連:久山町研究.第24回日本未病システム学会学術集会、2017年11月4日-5日、横浜市
Chen, T., Narazaki, K., Chen, S., Haeuchi, Y., and Kumaga, S.:The dynamic association between physical and cognitive functions in non-demented community-dwelling older adults: a 2-year longitudinal analysis. AAIC 2016, 24-28 July, Toronto, Canada
Perminder S. Sachdev, Darren M. Lipnicki, John D. Crawford, Anbupalam Thalamuthu, Nicole A. Kochan, Maria Fernanda Lima-Costa, Carol Brayne, Richard Lipton, Mindy J. Katz, Karen Ritchie, Marie-Laure Ancelin, Nikolaos Scarmeas, Linda Lam, Antonio Guaita, Ki-Woong Kim, Kaarin Anstey, Marcia Scazufca, Kumagai Shuzo, Ng Tze Pin, Henry Brodaty, Antonio Lobo for the COSMIC Collaboration.: Cognitive decline and effects of sex, education and apolipoprotein E genotype on cognitive performance in diverse ethno-cultural and geographical regions internationally: the COSMIC collaboration. AAIC 2016, 24-28 July, Toronto, Canada
八木香里、陳 涛、陳 三妹、諏訪雅貴、井本貴之、木田 明、岩瀬三紀、横地隆、熊谷秋三:男性勤労者の客観的に評価された身体活動・座位行動と内臓脂肪面積との関連:TMCPAFスタディ.第71回日本体力医学会大会、2016年9月23-24日.盛岡市 Saito, T., Sakita, M., and Kumagai, S:Combination risk to sleep disturbance of physical activity and sedentary behavior by difference between community-dwelling elderly Japanese people with and without musculoskeletal pain. 16th World Congress on Pain 2016, September 26-30th, 2016,Yokohama, Japan
Kumagai, S., and Chen, S.: Physical fitness, physical activity, frailty and cognitive decline among community-dwelling non-demented older adults. 2015 Beijing International Forum on People-to-people Friendship,Nov..12,2015, Beijing, China
Chen, T., Nofuji, Y., Matsuo, E., Honda, T., Narazaki, K. and Kumagai, S.: Light physical activity and sedentary time associated with disability in instrumental activities of daily living independent of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. The 62th ACSM's Annual Meeting, May 26-30 2015, San Diego, USA.
陳 三妹, 楢崎 兼司, 野藤 悠, 生内 由佳, 熊谷 秋三:地域在住高齢者において運動習慣が老年症候群に与える影響. 第57回日本老年医学会年学術集会,平成27年6月12-14日, 横浜市
長野真弓:高齢者を対象とした縦断研究における参加者・不参加者間の特性比較~体力測定・認知機能テストを含む測定会の参加状況から~. 第18回日本運動疫学会年次学術集会,平成27年6月20-21日,名古屋市
Saito, T., Sakita, M., Honda, T., and Kumagai, S.: Relationship between differences in physical activities with sleep disturbance and the musculoskeletal pain in community-dwelling older adults. European Conference of Sports Science, Malmo, Sweden, June 24-27, 2015.
Matsushita, T., Takayanagi, S., Kumagai, S., Ichimiya, A., and Fukumori, H.:Self-care program as a mind/body therapy to improve health for university students and first year nurses in Japan. 14th European Congress of Psychology, July 7-10, Milan, Italia
Chen S, Honda T, Narazaki K, Chen T, Nofuji Y, Haeuchi Y, Kumagai S.: Clock Drawing Test improves predictive ability of frailty phenotype for incident disability in two-year follow up among non-demented community-dwelling older adults. Alzheimer's Association International Conference, July 18-23, 2015,Washington DC,USA.
音地 亮,本田 貴紀,熊谷 秋三:地域在住高齢男性の客観的評価による身体活動量および座位行動と喫煙歴との関連.第2回日本予防理学療法学会,平成27年12月19日,札幌
八木香里,陳三妹,生内由佳,王英?,山津幸司,熊谷秋三:職域におけるICT環境を利用した 非対面健康支援プログラムの開発とユーザビリティの検証.第17回日本健康支援学会年次 学術大会, 2016年2月27-28日,日進市.
熊谷秋三:認知機能低下の生活習慣要因に関する研究:フレイルテイおよび身体活動・座位行動の観点から.平成26年度厚生労働科学研究費補助金(認知症対策総合研究事業)「大規模ゲノム疫学共同研究による認知症の危険因子および防御因子の解明」分担研究報告書(研究代表者:清原 裕)2015.
熊谷秋三:認知機能低下の生活習慣要因(ライフスタイルマーカー)に関する研究:臨床前認知機能評価における体力指標の有用性.平成25年度厚生労働科学研究費補助金(認知症対策総合研究事業)「大規模ゲノム疫学共同研究による認知症の危険因子および防御因子の解明」分担研究報告書(研究代表者:清原 裕)2014.